Converting Me

I'm a work of art...still in progress

Thursday, May 04, 2006

okay, haven't written in 2 1/2 months. guess i'm not much of a blogger (however will I fit into the postmodern church?!?!?!) heh heh heh....

but a little more seriously: i went to court today to challenge a ticket i felt was given unjustly. to make a long story short(er) i believe this officer gave me the ticket because he was suspicious of where i was going or what i was doing with our next door neighbor in the car. this officer had arrested our neighbor several times before...

i have personnally seen him as the officer who is the first to show up next door when there is a crowd over there...

and ironically, our neighbor is supposed to appear in court tomorrow for a different that had absolutely NOTHING to do with this officer...and yet this officer's name is signed as the one filing the complaint.

seem suspicious? add in the fact that the neighbor 2 houses down has cameras and audio devices specifically aimed next door...he's trying to get them evicted. i'm checking to see if it's legal to video someone else, but so far the police have done nothing about it...

mix it all up and we have a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time...more specifically, i'd call it prejudice (but that's just me). i just know that i did some pretty dumb stuff when i was a teenager and got caught by the five-o...and i never had the trouble or rigamorale i'm seeing here with these dear ones (of course, i lived in the nice white suburbs...).

i can't really say exactly what we should do. many times we just don't know what to do, and things can change so quickly down here. i do think we're going to try to stand up for the rights of the oppressed, we're going to try to fight for justice...and we may lose. in fact the odds are pretty good that we'll lose. the roaming lion down here has a knack for perverting justice and confusing minds. but most importantly i think we're going to wait on God and try to glorify Him...probably at the loss of ourselves. but that's okay...i wasn't all that attached to this place anyways...


At 8:29 PM, Blogger Lew said...

amen,bro. we're in it for real, here... i wonder at the beauty of the mess we're in. Loving it...

check out what I blogged on ChaseHouse about this... it's a few posts back. tell me if i got the right perspective on it...

and keep posting. you have a gift for writing, no matter how trendy it may seem to post blogs... you aren't a trend, and neither are your thoughts.

At 5:25 AM, Blogger Lew said...

as for fitting into the postmofo church... who are you kiddin?! you know you'll nefo do that... how about fitting into the Kenyan church? oh... not thatone either?

if you dont' work on those rough edges of authenticity adn honesty, you'll end up with only Jesus and his band of losers to hang with.


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